Contract furnishing

Offices, conference rooms, reception areas - masterfully crafted with style

Invent with us and create innovative office areas.

We design contract furnishings individually with our experienced team or together with your architects. Space is transformed into inspiring and convincing areas for work and creativity. Today, a workplace is much more than a place to work. Conference rooms are more than just offices. The individual surrounding creates the perfect atmosphere for excellent work results and delighted customers. Let us help you right from the beginning.

Planungssituation » Kaupp & Diether
Schreiner an einer Bohrmaschine » Kaupp & Diether

Excellent craftmanship down to the smallest detail, directly from our manufacturing facilities.

When it comes to object fit outs, go for an experienced crafts enterprise with excellent manufacturing equipment and comprehensive know-how. Our seasoned shopfitters master both their traditional craft and also state-of-the-art machines and technologies. This enables us to manufacture high-quality object fit outs that perfectly emphasize the value of your business areas.

Installation by qualified professionals.

Manufacturing perfect interior fittings is not the last step. We also install the furnishing on site. It is only when every detail fits perfectly and our customers are delighted that we consider our work completed.

Möbelmontage » Kaupp & Diether
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